Hey there sister friend
Sorry I have been so far away
And haven't been out to play
I have had a lot going on my way
It is so good to hear from you Today!
Love .. LisaMe!
I am an inspirational writer.. writing what comes to my heart and mind.. Freely I give and Freely I share.. My writings are not to be robbed they belong to God They are also not to be taken out of the contents in which they were written.. If you share.. please share in entirety. These messages are not to be reproduced or published without the permission of Lisa Fryar/LisaMe!
not sure if that was meant for me, but if it was . . . i miss you too! i wish you were just a block away instead of 2000 miles! we could meet for lunch, lounge by the pool and laugh about the old days! it is so great to be back in touch!
It was meant for All of my friends.. You are the furthest away.. and one of the only ones.. that keeps up here.. lol .. Enjoyed our chat the other day .. Yes.. I would love.. being around the block..lol
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