Monday, October 18, 2010

In response to one of My Sister Friends

Amen ... When we keep that border closed
Then the enemy is not allowed to expose
Things in our lives
Most people will never get it
That they are the ones who have invited him in.
This is why I love being your friend....
You have drawn a line..
And want that enemy to stay behind..
And you want to be your best
Because you know with God
you will past your test
I Love you my sister friend ..
You will never have to guess.
Or wonder who I love the best
God is my Father, I love Jesus His Son
And am comforted by the Holy Spirit
Because all three are really one .. :)
Love, LisaMe!

Her response to me: You are so good at taking the wheel whereever one stops...where will the call of God take people like that??? Straight to the ear that needs to hear that God loves them...Thanks...

Two Anointings
In one place..
Brings much
Glory and Grace..
When one stops
The other begins..
That is what
Is so special
About being friends...

Lizzie my cat

My Lizzie is very independent

 .. during the day..
she finds her comfort spot
And is happy to lay all day .

 But at night she comes
 to find me..
and wants to lay by my pillow..
for awhile ..
 She makes me smile

 I Love my Beautiful Lizzie Cat

About Me

My photo
LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.