Monday, July 23, 2018

I have Missed You ...

 Is deeper
Than feelings
 .. it is the belief and knowing that God loves you ..
My mission/commission
Is To
 His Love with others Always

Life has taken us on many Journeys 
 Trials if you will ..
Down through the Valleys
 Up Over the
Joys of the Mountaintops ..
Life has brought us
In-Laws and Out-Laws 
 Children and Grand-children

.. Sister friends .. 

Many relationships to grow our lives .. 
We have been tested in many areas
 .. Amen .. 

With The Love of Jesus Christ
 .. bringing the balance to our lives that we needed .. 
I cherish .. the memories .. I have with you .. 

Life continued through
All the trials .. and Smiles ..
And Many, Many Prayers
"Life is filled with all kinds of trials .. When faced with a friend it is easier to Smile"
 In Love,

 Having a nostalgic day .. 

Missing many sister friends from My Yesterdays
Some are Rejoicing in The Streets of Heavens Glories
And Some are in their own life adventures
Today .. I am Spending alone time ..
My Hope is in My Right Now ..
And all the friends I will meet in my Tomorrows ...

Notes: 7/30/2018
God so knows my heart and Answers prayers ..
Never Doubt that God is Real ..
I got to visit with some sister friends
I haven't seen in years
And met a new Littleton!
Praising God! From whom All Blessings Flow
God is so much more than what we know ...
He is in Our Tomorrows ..
Just like He was in Our yesterdays
He Knows the Beginning and the End ..
Lora .. God is with You!

Amazing .. isn't He just Amazing ..
Cecy ..It was so Good Seeing You and your children again
Dee is Always in the Middle of so many things.. LOL
God keep having you way .. I Love you... LisaMe!


Overflow:Written Monday, July 23, 2018
God knows our hearts .. He knew I was missing my friends.. my life from my yesterdays ... It is His Amazing Love.. that keeps us All connected
Sharing to Encourage you .. All to Know God Knows.. Our hearts .. He is in our yesterdays and in All of our Tomorrows .. Amen ..
I love you .. All
I am so Thankful .. yall got to meet my Mr. Man

Keep him in your prayers.. being a caregiver
Is not easy on a man .. I am so thankful for him
God has brought us a long way .. my reward is Him caring for me ..
I am thankful God gave me a Beautiful Day ...
We look forward to seeing you All again one day

In God's perfect timing...
Love LisaMe! .. Your sister friend ..
We can never out give God
He has a purpose and a plan
We just must continue to seek His Heart
Amen .. Stretch out your hand ...
His is waiting for you ...
He will FILL you to overflowing
This is the knowing .. I know ❤
He is with us..Wherever we go ...
One Day we will travel the World Sharing His Love
This is my desire .. to share His holy fire ..
This little light of mine ..I'm gonna let it shine
Thank you for your Amazing Love
It was Received..the water was turned into Wine
I asked to be filled with New Wine ..
I am filled .. Amen

About Me

My photo
LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.