special sister friend .. after she took the time
to listen to me .. when I needed to share ..
She is always there with a word and a prayer
These are things I always want to remember
The feeling of what it means to surrender

We come at times like a butterfly landing
On the nose of a friend ..
We just need to sit for a moment
And then ..
Just know as a friend that you can bring such a release and peace..
We know the answer before we come..
We just needed to speak the words out loud to someone...
Life moves so fast..
"Thank You"
For taking the time for my call
You are a precious
sister prayer partner, and friend
I feel at peace with my release ..
His spirit is the wind in my wings
Love LisaMe!
I praise God for my release
Which gives me such a peace
I feel it so deeply
So I give myself completely
Yet at times I need to disconnect
Which some people just do not get
I can not give all of me and not have it replaced
(God says give and it shall be given unto you)
Thursday, March 15, 2018 - Edited I Trust God to always fill that empty space
Have you ever sat empty with a smile on your face
The Love of God fills those lonely times
This is what happens to me with my words and my rhymes
God enters into those lonely rooms
His spirit sweeps out the blues
The dusts in those rooms
Then Holy Spirits rains
All the gloomy
Thoughts, disappointments, tears and fears
In those lonely rooms
Then such
An Amazing thing
The love of God
Brings forth
New Blossoms
Even more Beautiful
The ones
You have seen before
Can Never Out Give God
His Love Endures
In Love

How does your Garden Grow? ..
Which gives me such a peace
I feel it so deeply
So I give myself completely
Yet at times I need to disconnect
Which some people just do not get
I can not give all of me and not have it replaced
(God says give and it shall be given unto you)
Thursday, March 15, 2018 - Edited I Trust God to always fill that empty space
Have you ever sat empty with a smile on your face
The Love of God fills those lonely times
This is what happens to me with my words and my rhymes
God enters into those lonely rooms
His spirit sweeps out the blues
The dusts in those rooms
Then Holy Spirits rains
All the gloomy
Thoughts, disappointments, tears and fears
In those lonely rooms
Then such
An Amazing thing
The love of God
Brings forth
New Blossoms
Even more Beautiful
The ones
You have seen before
Can Never Out Give God
His Love Endures
In Love

How does your Garden Grow? ..
I would love to hear... what you grow..
It is important to ask.. and important to know..
How does your Garden Grow
Wednesday October 27, 2010
Mine grows..
With words of encouragement
That the Lord.. fills in my heart
It bubbles up to my fingertips
And hits this keyboard ..
And sometimes comes out of my lips
To share with you ...
I love what my Garden Grew
Because I knew it would touch you!
Love LisaMe!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Heartfelt Seeds
Which direction
Will your influence flow ..
When God
Gives you seeds..
To sow
There are things
That are important to know....
Before you plant
And before you sow...
Especially if you want
Something good to grow
While you scatter your seed
You must know what it needs
To know..
How they will grow
Like how much sun ..
And how much water it needs
I planted some heart felt seeds
I pray it grows hearts...
...And not any weeds ...
Love LisaMe!
Note: 2/7/2019 written on Facebook .. timeline ..
Who is needing You to Pray for them ..
Sit by the Garden .. and Pray my friend
The Harvest time .. Will come in
Let the Light of Jesus Shine on them ...
Love .. LisaMe! your sister friend
Hebrews By Faith We Understand
11:1 Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, the [b]evidence of things not seen.
What are you waiting to see .. What have you planted?
What have you prayed for .. The Harvest is Coming
John 14:6
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
New King James Version (NKJV)
Note...Wednesday October 27, 2010 8:am
I Love my seeds .. it seems they keep growing and are planted all around me.. I am trying to put some of them together .. to see.. just "How does my Garden Grow" it is coming together .. God has been doing a work in me for years .. some of my post are dated.. and some are not .. it is interesting to me .. just how much God speaks.. to us.. Are we really listening? .. I am working more on that.. I listen well to God.. but do not always... listen to others... because of my own selfish need to share .. hummm.. that is a weed I need to pluck up.. so that it does not grow.. into a plant of selfishness.. God is the Gardner of my heart .. I surrender to Him daily and submit to Him.. so He can continue to show .. LisaMe .. How does My Garden Grow..... I water .. I weed and I wait ...The life of a little seed .. Just in a day .. Lord Have your own way
9:15am Already God is continuing to speak through a friend ..... I am Standing on that Word with you ... we need to keep .. encouraging ourselves.. our friends.. and those who will listen .. we are in end times.. and our end time harvest is near.. We need to protect our crops ... and continue to weed... our souls .. and fertilize with the Holy Spirit .. and water with the Word of Truth.. Amen!
1:30pmThank you sister friend .. as you saw.. from reading to the end.. it blessed and stretched me again .. I Love How God works.. taking a word.. and using it over and over again... to continue His blessing.... I am blessed by what He does.. with my fingertips .. and it Amazes me when it gets to my lips ... Sometimes I can not believe it is me speaking.. then I remember it is not.. it is His Holy Spirit speaking through me ..
also written in 2008 found on my wall in MySpace
We spend lots of time .. crawling on the ground like a caterpillar feeding on God's word .. not fully understanding all the things God wants from us. But the whole time God has a purpose and a plan for our lives. Then one day.. it happens.. We turn into that Beautiful Butterfly.. that Flies.. God has filled in each and every detail .. Be blessed my dear friends as we walk into God's Destiny this year ..2008 ..
Be Released!