This is a true Story .. A true event in my life
.. After Liza died .. December 21st 1981
In March for her birthday
That first year
In March for her birthday
That first year
.. I was Praying ..
Seeking answers
In what do I do
.. With my life ..
.. With my life ..
In a Very real dream
God allowed me to go to Heaven
.. I saw a beautiful
lake .. and lots of beautiful green grass .. greener than I have ever seen ..
I saw Lots
of people .. but I never saw their faces .. I just knew them .. it was like
being at a family reunion .. Each person I walked up to .. I would ask.. if they
had seen Liza .. they would say .. she is fine .. she is over there .. In my
heart I knew .. over there meant she is with Jesus .. just now ..
Not really as an angel .. but in her new glorified body
Not really as an angel .. but in her new glorified body
After a time ..
others told me to go .. I took it to me they were telling me to go home and to go on with my life She would be just fine .. in her new heavenly home
I knew this to be true
She would live in Heaven
Smelling the wonderful flowers
Riding her bike
Playing with the others
Who had gone on before her
She would truly be just fine
When I woke up that morning
.. I felt .. I could go on with my life ..
I felt I was supposed to go on with
my life .. I agreed to marry .. within 3 mths of being married I was
pregnant for my son .. my life moved forward after my son was born I was not in
grief for Liza again ..
Except for mild days of sadness on Dec 21st which is the day
she died ..
.. Her Heaven Day ..
I learned to realize it was my sadness not hers .. She would always be happy in Heaven
On her birthday I always celebrated with my son and daughter
.. With
pink and purple balloons ..
One for each year old she would be
I stopped
She would have turned
21 yrs old
I celebrated because they were here with me..
We celebrated her being in Heaven .. which is a Joy not a burden .. for her ..
.. I embraced life ..
Tried to be positive person
.. In the midst of the
trials of life ..
When my son was just 3 ... I learned there is worst things that
can happen to your child than death .. I learned .. to pray .. give me strength
.. give me courage make me weak .. I learn that truly through our weakness ..
God becomes our strength .. through the years I have tried to share this with
whoever would listen .. To bring hope .. to overcome .. not to spread sadness
.. I believe in my life.. it is what God wanted me to do ..
Written in Love