Friday, November 19, 2010

What is in Your Hands ....

We give only out of what we get .. so in order to be a blessing that means... 
we first must have received one ..:)

Your Faithfulness shines
Like a radiant star...
Even when you think
No one knows
Where you are...
God sees ...
Love LisaMe!

Are you reaping or sowing as you are going
I am an instrument
In the Lords hands..
And will go and do
What He commands ..
Even at times
When I may not understand ..
It might not be
For me to know
About the seeds
With which I sow
It is just important
For the Father to know..
 It is only in Him that I go
Love LisaMe!

I Stand in Awe of You

How Awesome and the perfect song .. to finish up my devotion for today.. The Enemy - Being Honest with self .. if you haven't read it yet.. you may want to check it out .. it is posted on my wall...

One thing I learned a long time ago..
and that is not to be a pretender ..
We all fall.. we all sin..
We all need to be reminded now and then ..
We can NOT let the enemy win
and the only way to do that
is to stay humble before the Lord..
So Today .. again I Stand Amazed ..
to the one and Holy God to Whom I praise..

The Enemy - Being Honest with self

Fighting with a faceless foe
That is the enemy don't ya know
The bible tells us no weapon formed
Against us shall prosper
And although many of us already know
We are still dealing with that faceless foe

Are we armed with the word of the Lord..
Lifting our shield of faith ..
And raising our sword ..
Which is the word of the Lord
Standing with our feet shod in His peace
Being held up with the belt of truth ..
Our head covered with our salvation in tack
When under the enemy's attack
Or do we let self-righteousness get in the way
It is supposed to be a with the breastplate of protection
Not being used as a weapon of rejection

Do we have his angels ..with us on board
When the enemy sends an attack

Then why do we feel .. we have to lash back
Who do you think is causing this attack ..
We as Christians already know the answers to that
But we still fall under those ... sneaky attacks

If we have no weapon formed against us
That will prosper..
Why do we feel the need to defend
Or encourage that enemy
To be our friend
Or pick up a weapon to use
Which causes us to abuse
Making us no better than them
The bible is very clear
When it says "We All Sin"

Our words they cut like a knife..
Causing.. bitterness, envy and strife

I am listening
To that small voice from within
Learning how
Not to let
That enemy win

Patience is a virtue
That is not easy to have
Until you learn how
To use self-control
Over your emotions
That can be so easy
To run out of control

Emotions .. is where
The enemy loves .. to hide
Because it causes .. us to lay
Our mind aside
Then we become an easy prey
For that faceless foe to have his way

Over-comers is what we are
Although we may carry
More than one .. battle scar
When you know who your
Enemy's are
Deception is a wicked thing
She wants to be a queen
Lying is her best friend
We need to never
Allow ourselves to give in to them

When we listen .. instead of speak
The enemy will be the one
To become weak

The Victory is mine
As I read in the book
God's Heart Your Destiny
Heart number 9
Anger will not win
I am learning how to listen
For him .. so he doesn't sneak in
LisaMe! your sister friend

God's Heart Your Destiny
By: Marianne Cadwell
A sister's friends encouraging book
When you have time take a look
Her book inspired this writing
As I took a look
At things happening
In my

Thank you, Marianne for the lessons you share
From your heart to ours
With God's Love in this hour
It is so needed for us to overcome the enemy's power
Love In Him .. LisaMe!

About Me

My photo
LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.