My heart breaks
For humanity ..
Why would a world
God created fall apart
So many miss it
When it comes to
Matters of the Heart
Jesus can be
Our only
Will only
Disappoint us
Over and over again ..
I can promise to be a friend..
To listen ..
When you need to pour out your heart ..
I can promise..
To always love you ..
I can promise..
To pray with and for you ...
But I also promise
There will be times
I may disappoint you ..
Not because I want to ...
But because we are human..
And do not always
The Matters of the Heart ..
Only God truly understands
That is why
Jesus was set apart
He understood
The Matters of the Heart...
To Him ..
He always has time for us ..
He is never in a hurry or a rush...
He never has to stop and take a call...
Or answer a knock at the door...
Jesus's door is always open
Jesus's door is always open
He is always there..
And has room
For ALL of us ....
When I tell you
I love you ..
My sister friend..
It is true..
And When I tell you ..
You have touched
My heart it is true ...
I pray we will always be connected
Somehow on this earth...
But even more..
I pray we will meet in Heaven
One Glorious day..
Where we will sing
In perfect harmony ...
With the angels...
Because of Our Father ..
And Jesus Our Saviour...
Our King
What more is there to say ...
Trust His love
Is enough for you ..
And He will provide
For every insecurity you have...
I can tell you .. He is doing it for me..
So I know .. He will do it for you too! ..
We are friends..
Special Sister friends...
Because He has sent
You to me..
And me to you ..
Amen ...
So we can be in Fellowship...
Because of Him...
With Him..
And for Him...
I Love you
With the Father's love...
I see your heart
With the Son ..
And feel you
With His Holy Spirit ..
My heart Cries
With Joy for you ..
Because you are such
A Beautiful Blessing
To God the Father
And A Beautiful
Sister friend to me ..
I Love you,