I am an inspirational writer.. writing what comes to my heart and mind.. Freely I give and Freely I share.. My writings are not to be robbed they belong to God They are also not to be taken out of the contents in which they were written.. If you share.. please share in entirety. These messages are not to be reproduced or published without the permission of Lisa Fryar/LisaMe!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
This is It!
Note to self:
I am Published...
I will continue to write....
How may books will be sold ... lots of souls won for the Kingdom ... thank you Lord ...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Candy Heart Hugs
Sending Candy Messages from LisaMe! ...
It is what is inside..
That I want you to see ..
The Heart of the Matter...
The Jesus in Me
Hugs & Candy Kisses
Your sister friend LisaMe!
It is what is inside..
That I want you to see ..
The Heart of the Matter...
The Jesus in Me
Hugs & Candy Kisses
Your sister friend LisaMe!
Note to self: Time to stop playing around and get back to work.. proof reading the book so it can be approved today ... Oh how I would rather.. write and play ... This picture was taken yesterday! 9-21-09
Monday, August 31, 2009
I made the deadline ..all material is submitted
When I was just a little girl, I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how he walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was ‘mine’ I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how He could walk with me and talk with me, or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me through the years of seeking Him, in how to share Him with others, so they could truly know Him and experience Him, without pretence. I invite you into the world of A Candy Ministry where candy becomes the focal point. (Candy is a non-threatening (focal point/subject) to begin sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others). Where candy is coded not coated so it melts in your heart not your hands. You will experience messages that will speak to the nature of the heart of the child inside of you, no matter your age. This touch, taste, and feel ministry is brought to you with the hope that you will have a better understanding of God and His love for you. I pray as you read this book that you will experience “life changes”. We experience trials of many kinds and need support and encouragement as we go through them. Candy messages offer a new way to look at things based on God’s word.
Note: Finally it is done.. Oh! what Joy .. today the maunscript was submitted... 10-14 days from now..I will know a little more.. this was submitted as the back cover picture and text ... in 45 days or so.. you should be able to go purchase my book..."A Candy For All Seasons" Candy Messages For Life Changes .....by LisaMe!
Note: Finally it is done.. Oh! what Joy .. today the maunscript was submitted... 10-14 days from now..I will know a little more.. this was submitted as the back cover picture and text ... in 45 days or so.. you should be able to go purchase my book..."A Candy For All Seasons" Candy Messages For Life Changes .....by LisaMe!
This is the back cover of my soon to be book ... And yes that picture is really Me .. when I was 3 yrs old .. Easter at my grandmothers house 1963
Note.. they did not used the picture on the back cover... But it still looks great ....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
There is no price we can pay for Wisdom
The wise men .. traveled so far .. seeking the Messiah ..
They searched until they found Him ..
using the stars in the sky to help them find their way
They brought gifts from all over and throughout the earth ..
Minerals .. that we can not even imagine..
Than in that day and time.. were priceless..
To bring healing and protection to the Christ Child ..
Today I am using many
Minerals and Supplements
Shungite stones to purify water and bring healing
Ormus .. from Hawaii
BIM A and BIM E yes both have brought healing to me
Garcinia .. is Amazing .. pain cream.. and Gold shape Lotion
August 19th 2010...
It has been a year already.. so many things I wanted to do..
still not done..
All I can say is I am trusting the son ...
I am in God's hands..
Nothing is delayed.. this is His plan ..
The book.. was released Sept 2009.. so far as I know 99 books have been purchased ..
Seeds are out there ..
I have heard back from a handful of great folks.. who love the book
To date I have not received anything negative concerning the book ...
I had hoped to have my 501c paperwork completed ..
(waiting on funds to pay for this)
I had hoped to do some book signings
(I did sign lots of books but not at a bookstore/or Church)
I had hoped to do some traveling
(I traveled to my daughters a lot this summer :) enjoying the grands
I have to Trust it ALL to God knowing His timing is Best ..
and so I rest and just keep doing what I do best .. writing..
preparing and being prepared
For the time when .. :)
August 17th 2009
I finally did it .. I made the commitment to publish .. I paid.. the price.. for self-publishing .. from Xulon Press .. my book "A Candy For All Seasons" will be out .. for Christmas purchases .. Last year .. I made Henry a Christmas book ... This year.. God is gifting me.. my book.. I am so excited .. and yet scared.. at the same time .. What a thrill.. to know.. I am in the Center of God's will .. making that commitment.. came from the prompting of the Lord.. I am not sure I could have done it otherwise.. I am not sharing.. with everyone.. because not everyone.. can understand .. the Awesome responsibility that has been placed in my hands .. I need no distractions .. I need to stay focused.. on the work that is at hand... I will be meeting with a local artist.. on Thursday.. which is in just a few days.. to discuss.. her illustrating.. my book for me.. And several other projects.. that have just been waiting.. an artist touch...
Lord.. I am stepping in the river... I know it will part .. and I will walk into the deep.. that you are calling me into .. I trust you to "Show Me.. the way .. For I know in you O'Lord.. there is No other way ..
If you happen upon this.. please do pray ... that LisaMe.. will accomplish "All" that the Lord has for her .. the publishers.. did not question.. my use of the name LisaMe... I know I am in my right place.. at my right time .. I am not here to answer questions.. about the why's or how-comes .. I am simply here.. to share what the Lord.. has given to Me.. LisaMe.. in this last 10 yrs of my life ..
Note to self: written as the thoughts of the last few days..pressed upon me.. looking and feeling a mess on the outside.. but on the inside.. I know who I am in Christ.. Nothing else matters ..Amen!
I am not dressed
My hair is a mess
But that is when
My writing is best
Who can say
I am not blessed ... lol
My spirit is open
Receive from the Lord
He comforts my soul ..
He is my Reward
What can I say
To those
Who would think
Me not-blessed
While they
Wander around ..
With their lives
In a mess
So totally stressed
They need
To mess up their hair..
Life is not perfect
Not anywhere ..
This earth will pass away
With all of it's
Imperfections ..
Why add
To the mess ... of the day
Look to the Lord..
Let Him
His way ..
I am not dressed
My hair is a mess
But that is when
My writing is best
Who can say
I am not blessed ... lol
My spirit is open
Receive from the Lord
He comforts my soul ..
He is my Reward
What can I say
To those
Who would think
Me not-blessed
While they
Wander around ..
With their lives
In a mess
So totally stressed
They need
To mess up their hair..
Life is not perfect
Not anywhere ..
This earth will pass away
With all of it's
Imperfections ..
Why add
To the mess ... of the day
Look to the Lord..
Let Him
His way ..
I Love You
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sowing Seeds of Love
Up Up and away
I am going to see my friends today!
Thank you Lord for making a way
For me to have time
For fellowship and play
And most of All
To Minister today
{{Hugs}} to LisaMe
From the Father today
Friends are friends forever
When the Lord is the Lord of them
Committing my time to the Lord
And He has made room for them
I Love you My friends
I am going to see my friends today!
Thank you Lord for making a way
For me to have time
For fellowship and play
And most of All
To Minister today
{{Hugs}} to LisaMe
From the Father today
Friends are friends forever
When the Lord is the Lord of them
Committing my time to the Lord
And He has made room for them
I Love you My friends
The words keep coming
The Lord is doing a new work in me
And it is so wonderful to see
The resurrection of Life
it is producing in me
All things come to death
We must be willing to die
To suffer the Loss
Sometimes not knowing why
We must understand
The Father has already consider the cost
Because it was He ..
Who first sent His precious gift as death on the cross
He was not mean to stay in His suffering and death
But through His suffering and death
He was perfecting
For us
So as it is in our own mortal lives
We must be willing to let that death of our flesh
Work itself out
So that the true abundance of life
Can Spring Forth
Live within us
Which is God's will
For our lives
With Much Love ... LisaMe!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Raylee Marie
It will not be long now
that we will see
little baby Raylee Marie
Note: Not able to sleep.. waiting for morning .. to hurry up and get here.. Raven will give birth to Raylee Marie.. Can't wait so see .. her.. Praying all will be well..
that we will see
little baby Raylee Marie
Note: Not able to sleep.. waiting for morning .. to hurry up and get here.. Raven will give birth to Raylee Marie.. Can't wait so see .. her.. Praying all will be well..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Heart Attack
My mother had a heart attack..
it sure does set you back..
It makes you think
growing old stinks ..
When facing illness that comes suddenly it makes you think a little more clearly about your life... and how you are living it. I received a phone call from my sister .. My mother was in the hospital .. later that day it was confirmed she .. had a Heart Attack .. along with several blockages.. the Dr.'s went in and did what is now days pretty routine repair ..
How is your Heart ... Any hard places? Let Jesus come in .. and do the needed repairs..
Scripture References:
Ezekiel 36:26-27 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
In December I wrote about the healing of me.. I visited with my mother.. God did a work in me.. in my heart.. I will continue to push through and not abort ... I believe God gives us stints.. to help us get through some of the hardness of our hearts.. He is in the repair/restoration business... He said He would take a heart of stone and turn it into a heart of flesh then fill it with his Holy Spirit ..
And then moving on in Chapter 3 .... The Battle is the Lord's .. it is not you and me ..
© copyright 1999-2008 candyministry/LisaMe!
Note: It continues to amaze me how my book "A Candy For All Seasons" continues to speak to me.. Life is a Journey .. and along the Journey of life.. many seasons.. that come around.. each year.. when you begin to see it.. it becomes quite clear ... When the season will change and which one is near .. Walking in Him.. LisaMe!
it sure does set you back..
It makes you think
growing old stinks ..
When facing illness that comes suddenly it makes you think a little more clearly about your life... and how you are living it. I received a phone call from my sister .. My mother was in the hospital .. later that day it was confirmed she .. had a Heart Attack .. along with several blockages.. the Dr.'s went in and did what is now days pretty routine repair ..
How is your Heart ... Any hard places? Let Jesus come in .. and do the needed repairs..
Scripture References:
Ezekiel 36:26-27 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 11:19 Then I will give them one heart and I will put a new spirit within them and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh.
In December I wrote about the healing of me.. I visited with my mother.. God did a work in me.. in my heart.. I will continue to push through and not abort ... I believe God gives us stints.. to help us get through some of the hardness of our hearts.. He is in the repair/restoration business... He said He would take a heart of stone and turn it into a heart of flesh then fill it with his Holy Spirit ..
Chapter 2 – February
A Season of Love
And then moving on in Chapter 3 .... The Battle is the Lord's .. it is not you and me ..
Chapter 3 – March
The Battle is on!
It’s not by might
Not by power
But by my Spirit says the Lord!
So whose team are you on? Ever feel like you are on the wrong side. In this season we will take a closer look, you just may find you have been in the wrong battle, on the wrong side, or just being worn out by your own sin.
© copyright 1999-2008 candyministry/LisaMe!
Note: It continues to amaze me how my book "A Candy For All Seasons" continues to speak to me.. Life is a Journey .. and along the Journey of life.. many seasons.. that come around.. each year.. when you begin to see it.. it becomes quite clear ... When the season will change and which one is near .. Walking in Him.. LisaMe!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Break-downs that cause Break-through's
Everything that we go through.. brings us to the place .. Where God wants us.. our break-downs bring us to our break-through's .. We do not always see it for what it is .. when it is happening ..
This morning .. while reflecting back.. After recently being under attack.. I can see.. God's hand a little more clearly.. As I continue to crusify my own flesh.. my own wants and needs.. and allow the power of the cross.. to take control for me .. others are rendered powerless.. when we give all power to the one who died on the cross.. He is the one and only Lord .. No one else can lord over us.. when we are under the power of the cross.. remembering He is the only Boss...
Faith remains to be faith.. the subatance of things hoped for .. these are things.. we wait upon the Lord for.. If we rush out ahead of God.. then we received it out of false power/control and not faith ..
So for today.. I feel Blessed to be where I am.. waiting on the Lord.. leaving Him in Control of my day .. This is the place.. I hope to stay .. To be happy in Jesus.. we need to Trust and Obey!
This morning .. while reflecting back.. After recently being under attack.. I can see.. God's hand a little more clearly.. As I continue to crusify my own flesh.. my own wants and needs.. and allow the power of the cross.. to take control for me .. others are rendered powerless.. when we give all power to the one who died on the cross.. He is the one and only Lord .. No one else can lord over us.. when we are under the power of the cross.. remembering He is the only Boss...
Faith remains to be faith.. the subatance of things hoped for .. these are things.. we wait upon the Lord for.. If we rush out ahead of God.. then we received it out of false power/control and not faith ..
So for today.. I feel Blessed to be where I am.. waiting on the Lord.. leaving Him in Control of my day .. This is the place.. I hope to stay .. To be happy in Jesus.. we need to Trust and Obey!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I am preparing to publish my book after years of writing and waiting .. like bread that is set to rise.. it still needs.. to be kneaded .. and allowed to rise again.. and again.. until finally it is ready to bake to perfection .. I am waiting on God's perfect time .. it is very near ...
We are also preparing to purchase a house.. a home not only for my husband and me .. but also a home for his mother.. our mother in love... A home where she can find the love, peace and joy she needs .. She is 84 soon to be 85.. We share the same birthday... I am planning to have a party for her.. Because I think she deserves it.. To celebrate 85 years of life... This will not be a shared party but one to Honor her alone.. I will celebrate next year.. lol when I each 50 .. yes.. I am almost a half a century old.. lol
So as I take one day at a time..
Trusting in the Lord to show me the Way..
I have peace for this day..
Knowing my blessings are on the way..
The trials for the day.. have come to pass not to stay..
I am growing from the knowing.. that comes.. with each one..
Because I know it is no secret from the Father or Son ...
I pray that you will learn your lessons too... Because God has something Special for you!
I write in love.. and in release.. it is what brings my heart to peace.. LisaMe
Note to self: Today is 03-03-09 tomorrow is 03-04 .. Liza's Birthday
She would be 29 it is ok.. I am not sad .. I just look to God each day Praising Him.. because He has made a way.. for me to always trust in Him.. Because of her.. my relationship with Him.. became solid .. What will it take.. for you to learn to totally Trust in Him.. If you need my help.. just ask me friend.. Love your LisaMe sister friend!
Up-date .. My book was published.. 9/2009 ... Today is 9/21/2010 .. over 100 books have sold ... I wish more could have gotten out there.. but self-publishing is different than having an agent.. and someone to market for you .. Self publishing books.. do not always make it to the bookstores.. unless you order them .. But my book can be ordered.. in the local book store.. and online .. God is placing the book in the hand of those.. He has hand picked ... I am pleased with what He is doing ... with it .. I was obiedent to write it .. God is in control .. He is moving in my life.. so many changes.. still ahead... I love you Lord..
A Candy For All Seasons : By LisaMe!
We are also preparing to purchase a house.. a home not only for my husband and me .. but also a home for his mother.. our mother in love... A home where she can find the love, peace and joy she needs .. She is 84 soon to be 85.. We share the same birthday... I am planning to have a party for her.. Because I think she deserves it.. To celebrate 85 years of life... This will not be a shared party but one to Honor her alone.. I will celebrate next year.. lol when I each 50 .. yes.. I am almost a half a century old.. lol
So as I take one day at a time..
Trusting in the Lord to show me the Way..
I have peace for this day..
Knowing my blessings are on the way..
The trials for the day.. have come to pass not to stay..
I am growing from the knowing.. that comes.. with each one..
Because I know it is no secret from the Father or Son ...
I pray that you will learn your lessons too... Because God has something Special for you!
I write in love.. and in release.. it is what brings my heart to peace.. LisaMe
Note to self: Today is 03-03-09 tomorrow is 03-04 .. Liza's Birthday
She would be 29 it is ok.. I am not sad .. I just look to God each day Praising Him.. because He has made a way.. for me to always trust in Him.. Because of her.. my relationship with Him.. became solid .. What will it take.. for you to learn to totally Trust in Him.. If you need my help.. just ask me friend.. Love your LisaMe sister friend!
Up-date .. My book was published.. 9/2009 ... Today is 9/21/2010 .. over 100 books have sold ... I wish more could have gotten out there.. but self-publishing is different than having an agent.. and someone to market for you .. Self publishing books.. do not always make it to the bookstores.. unless you order them .. But my book can be ordered.. in the local book store.. and online .. God is placing the book in the hand of those.. He has hand picked ... I am pleased with what He is doing ... with it .. I was obiedent to write it .. God is in control .. He is moving in my life.. so many changes.. still ahead... I love you Lord..
A Candy For All Seasons : By LisaMe!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
In the stillness
There are times
in the stillness
of silence
the most is spoken...
God knows our hearts
and hears our prayers
before they are whispered ..
He is Already there...
Love your sister friend...
Note:2-21-09 Written after reading a friends journal about the stillness of the early morning in her house.. when everyone else is asleep.. of her secret cries out to God.. for His understanding and help ..
Note to self: 2-21-09 .. God always comes to the rescue.. He is the Victory .. It is not in our time.. or in our way.. but He always shows up.. either way.. He is there in the midst of your storm .. in the midst of your pain.. He could be sunshine or He could be rain.. either way.. Continue to sing His Praise.. He is your Victory .. I share this with you... As I continue to remind myself.. His will is on the way .. These things have come to pass not to stay .. LisaMe!
Note 12-13-2012 Day 33~ Praying Heart~Prayer changes things.. Talking to God about what is going on in our lives .. Listening to His answers is important too.. Bringing petitions to the Lord .. and knowing He is listening with answers for your soul .. LisaMe!
Note: 12/13/2016
Oh How I feel this more and more ..
No One can understand .. those still times
Unless they experience it ..
Father God .. Thank you for not leaving me
I Love you.. LisaMe!
in the stillness
of silence
the most is spoken...
God knows our hearts
and hears our prayers
before they are whispered ..
He is Already there...
Love your sister friend...
Note:2-21-09 Written after reading a friends journal about the stillness of the early morning in her house.. when everyone else is asleep.. of her secret cries out to God.. for His understanding and help ..
Note to self: 2-21-09 .. God always comes to the rescue.. He is the Victory .. It is not in our time.. or in our way.. but He always shows up.. either way.. He is there in the midst of your storm .. in the midst of your pain.. He could be sunshine or He could be rain.. either way.. Continue to sing His Praise.. He is your Victory .. I share this with you... As I continue to remind myself.. His will is on the way .. These things have come to pass not to stay .. LisaMe!
Note 12-13-2012 Day 33~ Praying Heart~Prayer changes things.. Talking to God about what is going on in our lives .. Listening to His answers is important too.. Bringing petitions to the Lord .. and knowing He is listening with answers for your soul .. LisaMe!
Note: 12/13/2016
Oh How I feel this more and more ..
No One can understand .. those still times
Unless they experience it ..
Father God .. Thank you for not leaving me
I Love you.. LisaMe!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Missing my friends
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Valentines Day
Working on your Valentines
I did not want to wait
To send it out
Another day
Because I might get busy
And then I would be late ..LOL
I Miss You!
And Love you bunches Too!
Hugs from LisaMe!
To You!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
In my Weakness.. He is strong
"Healing comes in so many ways; it strengthens our hearts and lengthens our days" LisaMe!
I have been a little tired.. of late..
I suffer with chronic fatigue.. (2015 they diagnosed Lupus)
It has been around me all of my life.. first as a daughter ..and then a mother and a wife..
I have been diagnosed with many things.. none of which I hold myself too ..
(only meaning I do not claim.. them) I have learned when I am tired.. I rest ..
If only I could learn to pace myself a little better.. not to get tired in the first place.. lol ..
Not so easy a task.. when getting up out of bed.. can tire me at times.. lol .. Yes, I laugh ..
because it amuses me to see How the Lord works in me.. I am truly not like others ..
I have known this since I was a child.. although I do not always understand .. at least I know..
How my weakness.. brings me to strength .. so do not morn for me.. when I am gone..
just rejoice the day I was born ..
Born to share my weakness with you..
The sun has come out today..
my fingers hit the keyboard..
and I began to play.. lol
I thank God..
He rested with me yesterday ..
and restored my soul for another day ..
I will rejoice in the Lord Always!
Philippians 4: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
2 Corinthians 4:18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Note: This is not my first winter that has come to pass .. lol .. The seasons of our lives do not necessarily run the same course as the 4 seasons .. I thought you would enjoy reading.. my words.. on the winter seasons of my life .. found in the Poetry blog site (Gods Blessings (In the Winter Season of our life)
Personal Note: I am taking supplements to help restore .. my body .. on my journey toward wholeness and complete health
August 2019
Finally found a Holistic MD Elizabeth McLaine, Lafayette, La
We are in the process of the process .. She has some interesting thoughts
We will see as we continue; Seeking the Healing of LisaMe!
Organic, grain-free, dairy-free, gluten-free
Free Me .. LOL
Doing my best to deal with the healing
Natural compound Progesterone to replace hormones & Compound Yam Cream
Vitamin K and D
More blood work on Nov 1st
Had a wonderful Vacation 6 days to Dallas to see Jeremy, Vanessa, and 19nth old Amelia
Brought forth much healing to my soul .. the love of family is all I have ever wanted
"Healing comes in so many ways; it strengthens our hearts and lengthens our days" LisaMe!
January 2019 ..
Noted here so complete Testimony can be put together ..
God is Greater .. than any illness
He continues to be my Strength in times of Great Weakness ..
He is My Healer .. Amen
March 2nd, 2018 .. I Started BIM A
And did a 2 day boost with BIM E
April 2nd Finishing out with the BIM E
Products from Thialand .. APCO Health .. with .. Dr. Pitchaet
Who has spent 40 years Studying Plant Based Health
Health still seeing improvements ..
I postponed my Rheumatologists apt .. so I could be on the BIM A longer before more blood test
Eye apt 4/3/2018 it will be interesting to see how my eyes are doing ..
Update: 4/11/2019 My eyes are still improved 20/20 right 20/50 left no cataract surgery at this time .. I will opt out .. No surgery for this LisaMe! I will trust the Lord of Lords with my eyes .. Amen
I stayed off of the Plaqunil and Immuron .. reducing meds have helped ..
I experience pain daily and fatigue but it is better than being medicated ..
I went through Gastric sleeve surgery ..
1/16/2018 as a last resort .. to reduce weight in hope that my body could heal at 2wks post op .. I cannot believe I feel no pain in my body .. I am still a little tired dealing with the fatigue still but believing this too will pass .. At times I am beginning to feel more energy daily ..
Progress is happening ..
2015 to 2017 Rheumatologist SLE Lupus, Sjogren's (SHOW-grins) syndrome,
Inflammatory arthritis (HCC) 10/30/2015 Posive ANA (annuclear antibody) 10/30/2015 Midline low back pain without sciaca 10/30/2015 Sicca complex (HCC) 10/30/2015 Chronic fatigue 10/30/2015 Fibromyalgia syndrome 01/15/2016 DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) 01/15/2016 Primary osteoarthritis involving multiple joints 01/15/2016
2014 CAT Scan of lower back and spine .. (No one paid attention until the Rheumatologists in 2015 along with several ex-rays .. of my chest, lungs and spine .. discovered
DISH Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH
2014 upper endoscopy and colonoscopy
2012 I became gluten free .. which reduced the migraines by half
2009 - 2017 Migraines, Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia syndrome, left knee bone on bone, asthma, plursey, ( No real answers and misdiagnosed so many times as Dr.'s tried to guess what was going on with me)
Original Note 5/28/2014 .
I will be diagnosed again today I found strength .. through one of my fb friends ..
Strength to encourage him ... that is my call .. sharing inspiration with others ..
.. Aaron Wagner .. Trust me when I write and say .. Don't trust your feelings .. they too will fail you .. Believe me I know .. I feel .. so weak and discouraged too .. I do know that in our weakness .. He/the Lord will be our strength .. I am out of strength of my own .. and have been running on empty .. Brother I think you are right where you belong .. God is going to be your Victory song .. your hard work will pay off .. even it is the end of you .. God will see you carry through .. You will hear the words .. You finished the race.. and not at anyone else's pace .. You push, you press .. trying to clean up others mess .. No wonder you feel alone .. You are building a Community Center around your home .. Keep building they will come .. Hold on Spring is truly on it's way .. Aaron .. I am happy to call you friend :D
I have been a little tired.. of late..
I suffer with chronic fatigue.. (2015 they diagnosed Lupus)
It has been around me all of my life.. first as a daughter ..and then a mother and a wife..
I have been diagnosed with many things.. none of which I hold myself too ..
(only meaning I do not claim.. them) I have learned when I am tired.. I rest ..
If only I could learn to pace myself a little better.. not to get tired in the first place.. lol ..
Not so easy a task.. when getting up out of bed.. can tire me at times.. lol .. Yes, I laugh ..
because it amuses me to see How the Lord works in me.. I am truly not like others ..
I have known this since I was a child.. although I do not always understand .. at least I know..
How my weakness.. brings me to strength .. so do not morn for me.. when I am gone..
just rejoice the day I was born ..
Born to share my weakness with you..
The sun has come out today..
my fingers hit the keyboard..
and I began to play.. lol
I thank God..
He rested with me yesterday ..
and restored my soul for another day ..
I will rejoice in the Lord Always!
Philippians 4: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
2 Corinthians 4:18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Note: This is not my first winter that has come to pass .. lol .. The seasons of our lives do not necessarily run the same course as the 4 seasons .. I thought you would enjoy reading.. my words.. on the winter seasons of my life .. found in the Poetry blog site (Gods Blessings (In the Winter Season of our life)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Gods Blessings (In the Winter Season of our Lives)
Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow
Even in the winter season
When the grass is covered with snow
When the things of life have no rhyme or reason
There is one thing
That I know that I know
God's Blessings will
Eventually flow
God's greatest gifts are just before us
It is not what is seen that is eternal
But those things that are unseen
We are to keep our eyes on the Father above
Who in His time brings all things to pass?
Just like when the snow melts
And beneath is the green grass
That has been protected
And nourished from the snow
God's plans may be hidden for a while
But in His time His blessings will shower down
With His unfailing love
He was never far from us
Only covering us with protection in the
Winter season of our life
Love LisaMe!
Personal Note: I am taking supplements to help restore .. my body .. on my journey toward wholeness and complete health
August 2019
Finally found a Holistic MD Elizabeth McLaine, Lafayette, La
We are in the process of the process .. She has some interesting thoughts
We will see as we continue; Seeking the Healing of LisaMe!
Organic, grain-free, dairy-free, gluten-free
Free Me .. LOL
Doing my best to deal with the healing
Natural compound Progesterone to replace hormones & Compound Yam Cream
Vitamin K and D
More blood work on Nov 1st
Had a wonderful Vacation 6 days to Dallas to see Jeremy, Vanessa, and 19nth old Amelia
Brought forth much healing to my soul .. the love of family is all I have ever wanted
"Healing comes in so many ways; it strengthens our hearts and lengthens our days" LisaMe!
January 2019 ..
Noted here so complete Testimony can be put together ..
God is Greater .. than any illness
He continues to be my Strength in times of Great Weakness ..
He is My Healer .. Amen
March 2nd, 2018 .. I Started BIM A
And did a 2 day boost with BIM E
April 2nd Finishing out with the BIM E
Products from Thialand .. APCO Health .. with .. Dr. Pitchaet
Who has spent 40 years Studying Plant Based Health
Health still seeing improvements ..
I postponed my Rheumatologists apt .. so I could be on the BIM A longer before more blood test
Eye apt 4/3/2018 it will be interesting to see how my eyes are doing ..
Update: 4/11/2019 My eyes are still improved 20/20 right 20/50 left no cataract surgery at this time .. I will opt out .. No surgery for this LisaMe! I will trust the Lord of Lords with my eyes .. Amen
I stayed off of the Plaqunil and Immuron .. reducing meds have helped ..
I experience pain daily and fatigue but it is better than being medicated ..
I went through Gastric sleeve surgery ..
1/16/2018 as a last resort .. to reduce weight in hope that my body could heal at 2wks post op .. I cannot believe I feel no pain in my body .. I am still a little tired dealing with the fatigue still but believing this too will pass .. At times I am beginning to feel more energy daily ..
Progress is happening ..
2015 to 2017 Rheumatologist SLE Lupus, Sjogren's (SHOW-grins) syndrome,
Inflammatory arthritis (HCC) 10/30/2015 Posive ANA (annuclear antibody) 10/30/2015 Midline low back pain without sciaca 10/30/2015 Sicca complex (HCC) 10/30/2015 Chronic fatigue 10/30/2015 Fibromyalgia syndrome 01/15/2016 DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) 01/15/2016 Primary osteoarthritis involving multiple joints 01/15/2016
2014 CAT Scan of lower back and spine .. (No one paid attention until the Rheumatologists in 2015 along with several ex-rays .. of my chest, lungs and spine .. discovered
DISH Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH
2014 upper endoscopy and colonoscopy
2012 I became gluten free .. which reduced the migraines by half
2009 - 2017 Migraines, Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia syndrome, left knee bone on bone, asthma, plursey, ( No real answers and misdiagnosed so many times as Dr.'s tried to guess what was going on with me)
Original Note 5/28/2014 .
I will be diagnosed again today I found strength .. through one of my fb friends ..
Strength to encourage him ... that is my call .. sharing inspiration with others ..
.. Aaron Wagner .. Trust me when I write and say .. Don't trust your feelings .. they too will fail you .. Believe me I know .. I feel .. so weak and discouraged too .. I do know that in our weakness .. He/the Lord will be our strength .. I am out of strength of my own .. and have been running on empty .. Brother I think you are right where you belong .. God is going to be your Victory song .. your hard work will pay off .. even it is the end of you .. God will see you carry through .. You will hear the words .. You finished the race.. and not at anyone else's pace .. You push, you press .. trying to clean up others mess .. No wonder you feel alone .. You are building a Community Center around your home .. Keep building they will come .. Hold on Spring is truly on it's way .. Aaron .. I am happy to call you friend :D
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About Me

- This is Me .. LisaMe!
- LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.