Monday, August 31, 2009

I made the deadline ..all material is submitted

When I was just a little girl, I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how he walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was ‘mine’ I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how He could walk with me and talk with me, or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me through the years of seeking Him, in how to share Him with others, so they could truly know Him and experience Him, without pretence. I invite you into the world of A Candy Ministry where candy becomes the focal point. (Candy is a non-threatening (focal point/subject) to begin sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others). Where candy is coded not coated so it melts in your heart not your hands. You will experience messages that will speak to the nature of the heart of the child inside of you, no matter your age. This touch, taste, and feel ministry is brought to you with the hope that you will have a better understanding of God and His love for you. I pray as you read this book that you will experience “life changes”. We experience trials of many kinds and need support and encouragement as we go through them. Candy messages offer a new way to look at things based on God’s word.
Note: Finally it is done.. Oh! what Joy .. today the maunscript was submitted... 10-14 days from now..I will know a little more.. this was submitted as the back cover picture and text ... in 45 days or so.. you should be able to go purchase my book..."A Candy For All Seasons" Candy Messages For Life Changes LisaMe!
This is the back cover of my soon to be book ... And yes that picture is really Me .. when I was 3 yrs old .. Easter at my grandmothers house 1963
Note.. they did not used the picture on the back cover... But it still looks great ....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

There is no price we can pay for Wisdom

The wise men .. traveled so far .. seeking the Messiah .. 
They searched until they found Him .. 
using the stars in the sky to help them find their way
They brought gifts from all over and throughout the earth .. 
Minerals .. that we can not even imagine.. 
Than in that day and time.. were priceless.. 
To bring healing and protection to the Christ Child .. 
Today I am using many 
Minerals and Supplements
Shungite stones to purify water and bring healing
Ormus .. from Hawaii
BIM A and BIM E yes both have brought healing to me
Garcinia .. is Amazing .. pain cream.. and Gold shape Lotion


August 19th 2010...
It has been a year already.. so many things I wanted to do..
still not done..
All I can say is I am trusting the son ...
I am in God's hands..
Nothing is delayed.. this is His plan ..
The book.. was released Sept 2009.. so far as I know 99 books have been purchased ..
Seeds are out there ..
I have heard back from a handful of great folks.. who love the book
To date I have not received anything negative concerning the book ...
I had hoped to have my 501c paperwork completed ..
(waiting on funds to pay for this)
I had hoped to do some book signings

(I did sign lots of books but not at a bookstore/or Church)
I had hoped to do some traveling
(I traveled to my daughters a lot this summer :) enjoying the grands
I have to Trust it ALL to God knowing His timing is Best ..
and so I rest and just keep doing what I do best .. writing..
preparing and being prepared
For the time when .. :)

August 17th 2009
I finally did it .. I made the commitment to publish .. I paid.. the price.. for self-publishing .. from Xulon Press .. my book "A Candy For All Seasons" will be out .. for Christmas purchases .. Last year .. I made Henry a Christmas book ... This year.. God is gifting me.. my book.. I am so excited .. and yet scared.. at the same time .. What a thrill.. to know.. I am in the Center of God's will .. making that commitment.. came from the prompting of the Lord.. I am not sure I could have done it otherwise.. I am not sharing.. with everyone.. because not everyone.. can understand .. the Awesome responsibility that has been placed in my hands .. I need no distractions .. I need to stay focused.. on the work that is at hand... I will be meeting with a local artist.. on Thursday.. which is in just a few days.. to discuss.. her illustrating.. my book for me.. And several other projects.. that have just been waiting.. an artist touch...

Lord.. I am stepping in the river... I know it will part .. and I will walk into the deep.. that you are calling me into .. I trust you to "Show Me.. the way .. For I know in you O'Lord.. there is No other way ..

If you happen upon this.. please do pray ... that LisaMe.. will accomplish "All" that the Lord has for her .. the publishers.. did not question.. my use of the name LisaMe... I know I am in my right place.. at my right time .. I am not here to answer questions.. about the why's or how-comes .. I am simply here.. to share what the Lord.. has given to Me.. LisaMe.. in this last 10 yrs of my life ..

Note to self: written as the thoughts of the last few days..pressed upon me.. looking and feeling a mess on the outside.. but on the inside.. I know who I am in Christ.. Nothing else matters ..Amen!

I am not dressed
My hair is a mess

But that is when
My writing is best
Who can say
I am not blessed ... lol

My spirit is open
Receive from the Lord
He comforts my soul ..
He is my Reward

What can I say
To those
Who would think
Me not-blessed

While they
Wander around ..
With their lives
In a mess
So totally stressed

They need
To mess up their hair..
Life is not perfect
Not anywhere ..

This earth will pass away
With all of it's
Imperfections ..
Why add
To the mess ... of the day
Look to the Lord..
Let Him
His way ..

I Love You

About Me

My photo
LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.