I am preparing to publish my book after years of writing and waiting .. like bread that is set to rise.. it still needs.. to be kneaded .. and allowed to rise again.. and again.. until finally it is ready to bake to perfection .. I am waiting on God's perfect time .. it is very near ...
We are also preparing to purchase a house.. a home not only for my husband and me .. but also a home for his mother.. our mother in love... A home where she can find the love, peace and joy she needs .. She is 84 soon to be 85.. We share the same birthday... I am planning to have a party for her.. Because I think she deserves it.. To celebrate 85 years of life... This will not be a shared party but one to Honor her alone.. I will celebrate next year.. lol when I each 50 .. yes.. I am almost a half a century old.. lol
So as I take one day at a time..
Trusting in the Lord to show me the Way..
I have peace for this day..
Knowing my blessings are on the way..
The trials for the day.. have come to pass not to stay..
I am growing from the knowing.. that comes.. with each one..
Because I know it is no secret from the Father or Son ...
I pray that you will learn your lessons too... Because God has something Special for you!
I write in love.. and in release.. it is what brings my heart to peace.. LisaMe
Note to self: Today is 03-03-09 tomorrow is 03-04 .. Liza's Birthday
She would be 29 it is ok.. I am not sad .. I just look to God each day Praising Him.. because He has made a way.. for me to always trust in Him.. Because of her.. my relationship with Him.. became solid .. What will it take.. for you to learn to totally Trust in Him.. If you need my help.. just ask me friend.. Love your LisaMe sister friend!
Up-date .. My book was published.. 9/2009 ... Today is 9/21/2010 .. over 100 books have sold ... I wish more could have gotten out there.. but self-publishing is different than having an agent.. and someone to market for you .. Self publishing books.. do not always make it to the bookstores.. unless you order them .. But my book can be ordered.. in the local book store.. and online .. God is placing the book in the hand of those.. He has hand picked ... I am pleased with what He is doing ... with it .. I was obiedent to write it .. God is in control .. He is moving in my life.. so many changes.. still ahead... I love you Lord..
A Candy For All Seasons : By LisaMe!