As we take that Spiritual Inventory .. there are things.. that did not seem completed in the former year.. that will follow us into the next .. 2008 was to be the year of the Open door ..And although some doors did open .. exactly what did they open .. the process has not been completed .. but truly doors opened .. I pray that in 2009 .. it will be a little more defined .. on where those doors lead .. I am still expecting .. What God has for me.. to come to pass.. His word says.. He will be faithful to complete the work in me .. that He has started.. I believe this.. and so I wait.. Trusting in Him ..
Not in man.. or in myself.. Only God can accomplish His will in my life ..
I do know that some doors have closed.. And truth be told.. doors do have to close in order for new doors to open.. We can only walk through one door at a time.. So again as I trust God to make the crooked paths straight.. I take hold of the corrections from the Lord from this past year.. and walk forward.. with healing in my heart ..
So as I say goodbye.. to 2008 .. I can say .. it has not been a wasted year.. but one with change.. healing .. and more defined expectations for 2009 ..
What will God birth in me ..
I have a glimps .. And I am excited to see...
God Bless you for taking this journey with me ...
Note: Check out my poetry site.. My .. Good-Bye to 2008
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
I am an inspirational writer.. writing what comes to my heart and mind.. Freely I give and Freely I share.. My writings are not to be robbed they belong to God They are also not to be taken out of the contents in which they were written.. If you share.. please share in entirety. These messages are not to be reproduced or published without the permission of Lisa Fryar/LisaMe!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What is a Moo Doodle .. he is not a kitten or a poodle.. He is just my Henry Moo Doodle
I just spent
A day and A night
With my little Grandson
I wrote him a story for Christmas
There is much to be said
For not having money
I would rather
Have heart

I found this little Stuffed Cow
Thought right away
About my little Henry
We tease each other .. I call him Henry doodle
In return he giggles and calls me Gram-Me doodle
His mother calls him Moo Moo sometimes
Because of a little song we sang when she was his age
The story is a
Moo~autiful Story
About a Gram-Me Moo Doodle
Going to visit
Her grandson
Henry Moo Doodle
Moo Doodle is a royal cow
With a gold ribbon tied in a bow about his neck
Holding a beautiful gold bell
So you can always tell
When he is coming
When he is going
We wonder
Suppose if that Bow
Could turn
Into wings
My little Moo Doodle
Then he could visit
He would like
Instead of having to play
Through the phone
It brought me lots of Giggles .. lol

Note: It was a lot of work on my part.. but done with my heart.. Next year.. I will start earlier.. it will be easier.. as I am learning.. how to do this.. writing thing.. and have found some wonderful illustrators .. One Day.. my work.. will see professional publishing.. Until that day..
I will keep doing what I do.. Writing out of my heart.. for those that touch my life..
Much Love
Gram-Me.. Mom-Me .. LisaMe!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The healing of me .. Part 2 .. December 21st
Some of this was written.. as a tribute on Liza's birthday this past year.. I sent out an email card to all of my family and friends .. just wanting them to remember.. my daughter .. Reflections of the past.. may be painful.. but we learn from our past.. and we move on.. we are not meant to live in our past or in there mistakes or hurts .. Liza was a "Joy" in my life... with lots of happy memories.. and yes.. sad ones too.. Heart breaking ones.. My heart did not break.. but was torn.. but God mended me.. repairing my heart.. so that I could live to give... to any and all who would be willing to hear..
So .. If you read this Please do not be sad .. Jesus died too .. and He left us with a promise of eternal life. That hope is here for all of us. Reach out to those around you and show them Love today. Life can be very lonely at times for lots of people. You can make a difference in some one's life. God loves you .. His greatest commandment is to love one another.
I re-visited here today.. Remembering 27 years ago.. it all started on Dec 17.. 1981 .. a day much like today.. cold and foggy .. that night we ended up in the emergency room.. by ambulance .. this was before 911 .. How far things have come .. then transported to Ochsner.. i was too young to understand all that was happening.. your life in the hand of man.. But in the next 5 days.. I would come to understand.. that your life.. Was in the hands of God..
So .. If you read this Please do not be sad .. Jesus died too .. and He left us with a promise of eternal life. That hope is here for all of us. Reach out to those around you and show them Love today. Life can be very lonely at times for lots of people. You can make a difference in some one's life. God loves you .. His greatest commandment is to love one another.
I re-visited here today.. Remembering 27 years ago.. it all started on Dec 17.. 1981 .. a day much like today.. cold and foggy .. that night we ended up in the emergency room.. by ambulance .. this was before 911 .. How far things have come .. then transported to Ochsner.. i was too young to understand all that was happening.. your life in the hand of man.. But in the next 5 days.. I would come to understand.. that your life.. Was in the hands of God..
Reflections of life some good , some bad, some happy, some sad..
And so I lean not on my own understand but in All my ways acknowledge Him .. Because of Him my life is/was forever changed
And so I lean not on my own understand but in All my ways acknowledge Him .. Because of Him my life is/was forever changed
I released you to God but you will always live in my heart. It is because you lived and died that I have so much love for God in my life. So I remember you with gladness in my heart .. not sadness because I know that even though we have had to be apart .. you have lived within my heart. God has been with us both .. and one day we will meet again .. in Heaven .. Heavens little girl - until we meet again - you are loved and missed .. I will always remember the "Joy" you gave me .. I Love you .. Mom-Me ..
March 4, 1980 .. Returned to heaven .. December 21
In loving Memory of my ..Little
You are a "beautiful" memory in my garden of life.
Note: Sunday December 21, 2008 ... I will be at my mother's house.. I believe God has more healing to take place.. in the life of me and my mother .. the distance and the space .. in our relationship .. started 27 years ago .. The hurt in our lives.. hurt those around us.. Love hurts.. there is no way around it .. you must go through it ..
I needed you to walk with me ..
I was in a place where not many understood..
I felt so all alone..
In my weakness I became strong..
Leaning on God..
But I still needed you ..
I felt like you abandoned me
I am here today to set this feeling of abandonment free
Released to the Lord
For our healing
Your Child LisaMe!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Today is the day
This is the Day that the Lord has Made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
This can be the day that will change
The rest of my life
I am meeting with a photographer
She is more than a person with a camera She is someone who will see what I see
First with her spirit
Then through the lense of her Camera
This will open a whole new world to me
As we bring encouragement to the Nations
We will compliment each other.. with our work..
As we bring encouragement to the Nations
We will compliment each other.. with our work..
I pray that the Lord would show us the way
As we think upon our meeting today ...
As we think upon our meeting today ...
Note: here a yr later ... God took me on a different path .. and Praise be unto Him book is published at last
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's beginning to Look a lot like Christmas
All the Fancy
Children's Laughter
With red noses
As One Supposes
I do not believe in Santa Claus
In saying this
Deserves A Laugh
Open at your
Splish Splash
This is LisaMe!
This is LisaMe!
Jumping in with
Both Feet
Nice to Meet You
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Our Girls
Stacey and I both have daughters...
My daughter Jamie... always wanted an older sister.. her older sister.. Liza died before she was born .. Jamie always wondered what it would be like.. to have had her older sister to play with and confide in ..
Jamie and Raven..
(Stacey's daughter)
(Stacey's daughter)
hit it off .. right away..
Raven is the same age Liza would be..
Jamie and Raven became sisters..
they both lived with us.. when we first got married..
and bonded..
Raven stood in Jamie's wedding..
when we moved to Florida .. they lost contact with each other..
When we moved back.. they got reacquainted.. but do not get to see each other often..
Jamie had Henry in July '05 and Raven had Keegan in December '05 ..
both had boys.. that was 3 yrs ago..
Raven is the same age Liza would be..
Jamie and Raven became sisters..
they both lived with us.. when we first got married..
and bonded..
Raven stood in Jamie's wedding..
when we moved to Florida .. they lost contact with each other..
When we moved back.. they got reacquainted.. but do not get to see each other often..
Jamie had Henry in July '05 and Raven had Keegan in December '05 ..
both had boys.. that was 3 yrs ago..
And Now here they are.. both..
The are both Due the first week in April
Both having Girls
This Gram-Me
Is Excited ..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I am in Awe and Amazed at the things I feel God doing through me ..
Daily I am getting new Inspirations ..
Sharing them here for you to see ..
This has become my test site ..
Seeing what my writings will look like in the pages of a book ..
And here recently ..
Inspirations in Frames
Will be setting up a store soon ....
Keep me in prayer ..
As I prepare
For All that God
Has for me ..
Yes this is Me.. LisaMe!
Note: If you click on the photo you will be able to read what is in the frame .. this applies to all of the postings ... Be sure to check out the poetry link .. It will take you to .. more from LisaMe!
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About Me

- This is Me .. LisaMe!
- LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.