I am an inspirational writer.. writing what comes to my heart and mind.. Freely I give and Freely I share.. My writings are not to be robbed they belong to God They are also not to be taken out of the contents in which they were written.. If you share.. please share in entirety. These messages are not to be reproduced or published without the permission of Lisa Fryar/LisaMe!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Another Year too quickly it seems at last .. has come to pass..
Not in man.. or in myself.. Only God can accomplish His will in my life ..
I do know that some doors have closed.. And truth be told.. doors do have to close in order for new doors to open.. We can only walk through one door at a time.. So again as I trust God to make the crooked paths straight.. I take hold of the corrections from the Lord from this past year.. and walk forward.. with healing in my heart ..
So as I say goodbye.. to 2008 .. I can say .. it has not been a wasted year.. but one with change.. healing .. and more defined expectations for 2009 ..
What will God birth in me ..
I have a glimps .. And I am excited to see...
God Bless you for taking this journey with me ...
Note: Check out my poetry site.. My .. Good-Bye to 2008
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What is a Moo Doodle .. he is not a kitten or a poodle.. He is just my Henry Moo Doodle

Note: It was a lot of work on my part.. but done with my heart.. Next year.. I will start earlier.. it will be easier.. as I am learning.. how to do this.. writing thing.. and have found some wonderful illustrators .. One Day.. my work.. will see professional publishing.. Until that day..
I will keep doing what I do.. Writing out of my heart.. for those that touch my life..
Much Love
Gram-Me.. Mom-Me .. LisaMe!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The healing of me .. Part 2 .. December 21st
So .. If you read this Please do not be sad .. Jesus died too .. and He left us with a promise of eternal life. That hope is here for all of us. Reach out to those around you and show them Love today. Life can be very lonely at times for lots of people. You can make a difference in some one's life. God loves you .. His greatest commandment is to love one another.
I re-visited here today.. Remembering 27 years ago.. it all started on Dec 17.. 1981 .. a day much like today.. cold and foggy .. that night we ended up in the emergency room.. by ambulance .. this was before 911 .. How far things have come .. then transported to Ochsner.. i was too young to understand all that was happening.. your life in the hand of man.. But in the next 5 days.. I would come to understand.. that your life.. Was in the hands of God..
And so I lean not on my own understand but in All my ways acknowledge Him .. Because of Him my life is/was forever changed
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Today is the day
As we bring encouragement to the Nations
We will compliment each other.. with our work..
As we think upon our meeting today ...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's beginning to Look a lot like Christmas
This is LisaMe!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Our Girls
(Stacey's daughter)
Raven is the same age Liza would be..
Jamie and Raven became sisters..
they both lived with us.. when we first got married..
and bonded..
Raven stood in Jamie's wedding..
when we moved to Florida .. they lost contact with each other..
When we moved back.. they got reacquainted.. but do not get to see each other often..
Jamie had Henry in July '05 and Raven had Keegan in December '05 ..
both had boys.. that was 3 yrs ago..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Note: written 11-24-08 For days I have been going through my writings .. And posting them on my poetry site ..
Note: 4-24-08
*Within the month Stacey had lost his job in Jacksonville ..which because he was a Maintenance supervisor and worked in Apartment part of his compensation was a free apartment .. so losing his job.. also would relocate where we lived .. We searched and sought the Lord.. He received a phone call .. and was offered a Job in Morgan City, La .. We moved back home to Louisiana ..
Has spread
To our Feet
Oh so high
We feel it
In our eyes ..
With tears of Joy ..
Psalms 30:5 And though tears may endure for the night Joy comes in the Morning..
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength and shield.. It is in Him.. that I put my trust .. I will stay planted in Him .. As He flows rivers of living waters.. from me ..
John 7:38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
The Son of God..
His love
Warmth through
This beautiful Sun Flower..
Love LisaMe!
(Amplified Bible)
~Expectant Heart~
Thoughts from
Day 35 ~ Expectant Heart ~ This continues to be what moves inside of me .. as I wait upon the Lord.. for His promises over my life.. Daily I am seeing His hand in my life. As I continue to journey through .. I see how He has been moving through me .. over a period of years .. His promise never dying inside of me ..Although there have been times when I had to lay it down ..God always resurecting it in my heart .. And now here today .. I wait for the Logo for the new mission in my life.. on the verge of stepping out in another season.. seeing more and more of the vision.. coming to pass..
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sleepless Nights
Hearing rhymes
The night
Come in
Out my head
So I get up
Out of bed
To write
Them down
Do not
It was for pain
Not for thrills
Has me
So ill
Note: Jamie was 2yrs old.. I went to work selling Tupperware .. became a Manager in just 5wks.. and in less than 2 mths.. I earned my Dodge Mini Van.. I was a Manager for a yr and enjoyed driving that Van for that year..All I had to do was put the gass in it .. It really helped me through a rough time.. in my life.. God Blessed me so much .. It amazes me to look back.. and see all the places He has carried me ..
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Even Jesus needed space from His mother.. When a man grows up .. He has lots of things he has to face.. that his mother's love can no longer protect him from .. I am proud of my son.. He has become a Man.. He is working hard.. to provide for his wife.. and his life..
Note to Self: Inspired .. 11-16-08 Mood on my space.. the day after.. I realized my son.. was not coming to see me .. after Pie's funeral .. LisaMe! is being very understanding .. offering Grace to thoses I love .. as I write on myspace
And then I write.. lol..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
"The healing of Me"
Life is a journey and we continue to heal a little every year.. but of course there are always new hurts to replace the old.. So what better way to .. remember and move on .. than with a healing tree ..
In case you do not know me.. Dec 21 1981 .. my 21 mth old daughter Liza Nichole .. died .. she was not sick.. there was no sign that this child of mine was soon to die ..
I had my Christmas tree up with all of her presents underneath .. Then Suddenly .. I found myself sitting alone in a hospital waiting room .. wondering what was happening.. 5 days later she was gone .. She was buried Dec 23rd .. I gave the presents under the tree to the Church.. and followed my family out of town.. because I knew she would not want me to be sad .. although my heart was hurting so bad.. I pushed forward with my life .. Remembering the Joy she brought into my life ...
My life did go on .. I re-married .. a childhood friend and had two beautiful children .. Christmas .. always had it sad moments .. but life goes on .. And as long as I had my children and a family.. I would be ok ..
In 2003 my first Christmas with my new husband .. Which should have been a really happy time .. I realized we were Empty Nester's .. it hit me hard .. I could not bear to put up a Christmas tree.. so I put up a Healing Tree .. just for me.. I put it in what I called my healing room .. All decorated pink and white.. When I entered there.. I was able to be who I needed to be.. and feel free.. to think about all the woulda, coulda, shoulda's .. It really did help.. I searched for my lost Joy... Wondering LisaWho ... and discovered... some things about myself .. deep rooted .. hurts.. that are very seldom.. let out of the box .. December just happens to be a time.. I take the box.. down off the shelf.. go through the hurts... trying to understand all the pains of the past .. It is really healthy to look at your life.. with a spiritual light ... having given it all to Jesus .. long ago .. the old wounds have been healed.. but always there seems to be new hurts, and disappointments from the current year .. It is my time.. to reflect.. and understand.. making sure all is forgiven.. Understanding.. why Jesus came in the first place.. Yes.. as a baby.. at first.. but he did grown to be a man.. who took all of my hurts and disappointments.. with him to the grave .. And rose with new life.. and promised that new life for me too .. And so .. eventually I put my past .. filled with hurt and regrets.. back neatly on the shelf with a pretty bow on it.. back on the shelf.. in my "Closet of Life" ... until the next year .. And walk on healed .. to another year.. holding the key of victory ..
It is Jesus spreading His love over me.. Oh.. without Him how lost I would be...
Note to self: I am not sad .. these are just the refection of me ..
Thank you Tois Taylor .. for helping me to clean out my closet .. and arrange my life.. neatly on the shelf.. allowing myself .. time to deal with life issues .. and then put them back neatly on the shelf .. But just like all closets.. they need to be cleaned out again .. and again .. Everything taken out .. rearranged and put back .. until the next year .. it needs to be cleaned again... so do not be afraid.. to tackle the problems of life.. take them one at a time.. using lots of prayer.. as you allow the Holy Spirit to help you to make your changes ..
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The healing of me .. Part 2 .. December 21st
Some of this was written.. as a tribute on Liza's birthday this past year.. I sent out an email card to all of my family and friends .. just wanting them to remember.. my daughter .. Reflections of the past.. may be painful.. but we learn from our past.. and we move on.. we are not meant to live in our past or in there mistakes our hurts .. Liza was a "Joy" in my life... with lots of happy memories.. and yes.. sad ones too.. Heart breaking ones.. My heart did not break.. but was torn.. but God mended me.. repairing my heart.. so that I could live to give... to any and all who would be willing to hear..
So .. If you read this Please do not be sad .. Jesus died too .. and He left us with a promise of eternal life. That hope is here for all of us. Reach out to those around you and show them Love today. Life can be very lonely at times for lots of people. You can make a difference in some one's life. God loves you .. His greatest commandment is to love one another.
I re-visited here today.. Remembering 27 years ago.. it all started on Dec 17.. 1981 .. a day much like today.. cold and foggy .. that night we ended up in the emergency room.. by ambulance .. this was before 911 .. How far things have come .. then transported to Ochsner.. I was too young (I was 21) to understand all that was happening.. your life in the hand of man.. But in the next 5 days.. I would come to understand.. that your life.. Was in the hands of God..
Reflections of life some good , some bad, some happy, some sad..
And so I lean not on my own understand but in All my ways acknowledge Him ..
Because of Him my life is/was forever changed
Little Liza
Note: Sunday December 21, 2008 ... I will be at my mother's house.. I believe God has more healing to take place.. in the life of me and my mother .. the distance and the space .. in our relationship .. started 27 years ago .. The hurt in our lives.. hurt those around us.. Love hurts.. there is no way around it .. you must go through it .. I did not even realize that I had these feelings .. but deep within .. it was hidden.. I can release it here ... in my writings.. I have not share this with my Mother .. no need to hurt her heart .. for things she.. too did not understand .... Just daily we must allow God to hold our hand ...
Where not many understood..
To set this feeling of abandonment
To show me the Way..
Are on the way..
Because God has something Special for you!
It is what brings my heart to peace.. LisaMe!
Allowing the devil to keep
Stealing your life..

Me and Liza
At the New Orleans Zoo
One of Life's Precious Moments
You may not always say it out loud ...
Be proud of what it is ....
Release it
So it does not
Hold you
Freedom is to
Let it hold
Your heart
Foolish hurt
That says
I am unloved
~ You are a lie ~
Jesus loves me
So much
Jesus Loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so ...
Throughout my adult life
I have not only read the bible
But made it a Practice
To study it ..
Learning of it Truths
All of the promises in there for Me
Do Not waste another Day
Pick it up

Read it Today!
Love, LisaMe!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My Pie Has passed away
It makes me sad to think of yesterday ..
When she sat on the floor with my children to play
We never had to worry.. about them while they were there
As she sat in her rocking chair
There was always housework work to be done
But when she had the children she always made it fun
Reading a book Not just one or two
But the whole stack that's when she was through...
She read lots of stories to them
Eventually they would fall asleep
These are beautiful memories I want to keep
Never a wrong thought came from her mind
She was truly a Grandmother Pie
Of those she
has left behind...
Note to Myself: I wrote this after
Emotions are raw
it is just to new
to share these thoughts
and feelings with you
And So I come
this is what I do
I write them down
right here for you
I just wanted you to know I knew
just how important she was to you ..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This was my wall of ribbons and lace .. you can not see it very well.. but the plates are very pretty with tiny pink flowers .. A lace ribbon starts at the top and runs to the bottom .. It is a place where teddy bears.. never grow old.. they are sitting on a trunk with treasures.. of life untold. The pictures on the wall are perfect mothers all dressed in white.. holding perfect children.. That is not really life.. Underneath is the angel on the wall.. that gives us grace when we fall... All white and pink and full of lace.. is how I love to have myspace.. but I do not live here all alone so we have greens and browns added to our home... (This was our apartment in Jacksonville .. yes I have still not unpacked here in Patterson.. hoping to have a more permanent home)
2012 ..Living in Morgan City .. in a nice new place .. but felt I could not have my own space
2018 .. I got a car .. to take me both near and far ..
My Children are at the core of my heart
Monday, October 27, 2008
Little Treasures of my Heart
My heart
Secret Parts of LisaMe!
In this picture
The Mirror
Laying on the bed
The baby girl
That once laid there
As a little girl of 3 yrs old
Yet to be told
They passed away
The Year
For a rainy day memory
Picture of just
That picture
I had been writing
.. When I was in my mothers womb ..
He created me
He Knows me Now
He created me to be
Then He brought Mr. Man
The picture is my Stacey
He would have
Him in my life
Miles apart
The Future
Our Hearts
Our futures are in God's hands
All those things are all of my pink and white things
Childhood things I was never able to have
To love
To laugh
Those delicate
In every thought
Every second
A Prophet
An Armor Bearer
He sends me the Very Best
I feel so Blessed
He made a way
His Love
.. What I do ..
My Babies
Grew up
My Jeremy and Me Jamie
Their Children
Henry, Hannah and Amelia
Live Daily
Being a Gram-Me
Together we have
Many Grand Children
Our Hearts
Jensen, Keegan, Raylee
Zane, Trey
Breanna, Javen, Bella
Henry, Hannah
Just to many Miles
Hugs and Smiles
Just before we moved back to Louisiana.. from Florida .. I Loved our apartment ..
Many of those little things are still packed away in a box.
"Bears in Boxes" have been released .. More and more peace .. as I write and release
Note for Today:
1/13/2019 another year .. has passed .. More Memories .. More prayers .. More calls from the Lord ..
I will be faithful .. to where He wants to send me .. I will be faithful to pray for All He assigns unto me ...Yes .. Mr Man is human and has .. issues.. But he is Mighty in the Lord .. When I prayed for a Husband.. I prayed... "specific" for a "Spiritually Tall Man" if we have one that has never been in the battle .. how will he know how to fight .. and how to pray .. had he never .. been on his knees ... praying out to the Lord .. what good would he be to me.. in the deepest battles ... God is so good .. When we seek for His will .. He knows what we need .. Stacey is only a man .. but He is my Mr. Man .. one God himself provided for me.. He is my Gift .. Amen .. And I was his gift on His .. 43rd Birthday .. One he will ever forget .. I am the love .. compassion and kindness.. he never had .. the beautiful soul he prayed and asked God for .. We see and Know the answered prayers .. that not all see.. when they look upon our flesh ..Sometimes they just see a mess.. But we know what the Father has done .. deep within us .. And He is not finished just yet .. We still have restoring and exploring yet to do .. So if you are reading this.. Because how you judge my flesh .. it will come back to you .. His word speaks to us all different .. But know .. It is Alive and Active .. it cuts through the bone.. joint and marrow .. God knows.. what He has to do .. in and through each soul .. to get us to totally surrender each part of our flesh to Him ... He is a jealous God .. It is my deepest desire to serve Him and to do His will .. I do not always have to understand it .. But I do have to be obedient unto it ... Allowing space.. for His will .. We prophecy in part .. and know only in part .. God the Father is the Only one who Knows all .. We stand.. Where He leads us ... I will defend and Stand my ground and allow .. others to defend and Stand their ground .. We are all called to different battles .. And some.. may not be called to the battle at all .. God calls and uses whom He wills ... And so I release and Bless .. Praying for those .. God calls me to .. I do not have to hold .. all .. Just the ones .. God has called me to .. So if I have no word for you .. I will not pretend and or make one up .. Perhaps .. He has.. called another to pray for you ...and to speak a word to you .. I just know I will be faithful .. As unto Him .. the Living Lord .. the King of Kings.. My Ever Lasting Father Amen
Today is 12/18/2010 ~ Day 39~ Courageous heart ... I will allow each day to have enough courage for itself .. to keep walking where God wants me to .. knowing it is in my weakness.. that I am strong ..Sometimes I feel like David facing the giant .. But today I feel like Joshua.. standing on holy ground ..
6/18/2018 Day 15 in my 21 Day Challenge .. I am Enough .. I am learning more and more about myself .. I am healing .. inside and out .. healing in my emotions more and more .. We are in the process of rearranging our home .. One more time .. but this time is different it is just for us .. Me and Stacey .. we will grow together .. We are going through a process ..
I Love you... LisaMe!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I love to write .. messages from the heart ..
God gives me something to say
It is not me it just works that way
I sit with my thoughts and start to write
I enter into a spiritual sight
It is something that comes deep from within
When I sit down with paper and pen
I do not always know why
Or always know when
The thoughts will come or when they will end
I Just Praise God ..They will come again!
All I know is I am in Love with God
It is so hard to pull away ..
I feel driven .. to say the words that are trapped within ..
until they come out .. with my hand and pen .. ha ha ..
that sounded good to me .. even though I do not use a pen ..
but a computer keyboard .. lol.. I amuse myself ..
with words.. can you tell ..
Blessings .. LisaMe!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Be released into all that God wants you to be
special sister friend .. after she took the time
to listen to me .. when I needed to share ..
She is always there with a word and a prayer
These are things I always want to remember
The feeling of what it means to surrender

We come at times like a butterfly landing
On the nose of a friend ..
We just need to sit for a moment
And then ..
Just know as a friend that you can bring such a release and peace..
We know the answer before we come..
We just needed to speak the words out loud to someone...
Which gives me such a peace
I feel it so deeply
So I give myself completely
Yet at times I need to disconnect
Which some people just do not get
I can not give all of me and not have it replaced
(God says give and it shall be given unto you)
Thursday, March 15, 2018 - Edited I Trust God to always fill that empty space
Have you ever sat empty with a smile on your face
The Love of God fills those lonely times
This is what happens to me with my words and my rhymes
God enters into those lonely rooms
His spirit sweeps out the blues
The dusts in those rooms
Then Holy Spirits rains
All the gloomy
Thoughts, disappointments, tears and fears
In those lonely rooms
Then such
An Amazing thing
The love of God
Brings forth
New Blossoms
Even more Beautiful
The ones
You have seen before
Can Never Out Give God
His Love Endures
In Love

How does your Garden Grow? ..
Note: 2/7/2019 written on Facebook .. timeline ..
By Faith We Understand
11:1 Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, the [b]evidence of things not seen.
What are you waiting to see .. What have you planted?
What have you prayed for .. The Harvest is Coming
John 14:6
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
New King James Version (NKJV)
The life of a little seed .. Just in a day .. Lord Have your own way
9:15am Already God is continuing to speak through a friend ..... I am Standing on that Word with you ... we need to keep .. encouraging ourselves.. our friends.. and those who will listen .. we are in end times.. and our end time harvest is near.. We need to protect our crops ... and continue to weed... our souls .. and fertilize with the Holy Spirit .. and water with the Word of Truth.. Amen!
1:30pmThank you sister friend .. as you saw.. from reading to the end.. it blessed and stretched me again .. I Love How God works.. taking a word.. and using it over and over again... to continue His blessing.... I am blessed by what He does.. with my fingertips .. and it Amazes me when it gets to my lips ... Sometimes I can not believe it is me speaking.. then I remember it is not.. it is His Holy Spirit speaking through me ..
also written in 2008 found on my wall in MySpace
About Me

- This is Me .. LisaMe!
- LisaMe! is an inspirational writer; Sharing the Word; as God gives it to me. I am willing to go where He leads me; When I was just a little girl; I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was "mine"; I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how; He could walk with me and talk with me; or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me; through the years of seeking Him; Learning how to share Him with others; so they could truly know Him and experience His Love; without pretense. I pray as you read these inspirations you will be blessed.